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What if they ask me, “What is His name?” says Moses.

God: “I AM WHO I AM! Say I AM has sent me to you. The God of your fathers Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob. This is My name forever & memorial to all generations.”

“I am”? I am what? I am… all encompassing, the Unchanging, One. The God of Present, Past, & Future, that encompasses all of time eternally.

So, who would the Israelites know Him as? First, they would know Him as the God of their fathers. But who is that God? Well, clearly, He’s the God that called Abraham & promised him a huge family, blessings, & a special land. He chose them, above all the people of the earth. He saw their affliction, heard their cry, & faithfully sent a deliverer to carry out His promise

But also, He’s the Creator of heaven & earth, Ruler over all its laws & systems. He had mercy on Adam & Eve, redeeming their sin with a blood sacrifice. He judged the earth & sent a world-wide flood to destroy. But He also had grace on Noah, saving his life. He is the loving, enduring God that promised never to flood the whole earth again & the faithful One that had kept that promise for hundreds of years. He saw the people’s pride & had the power to frustrate their plans to build the Tower of Babel. He is the Creator of languages & races. He was Abraham’s Protector in foreign lands & battles. He was the Provider that made him prosperous. He is the faithful One that provided Isaac, the promised son. He is the Compassionate God, not willing to sweep away the righteous with the wicked but also Just in destroying the evil places of Sodom & Gomorrah. He’s the God that tested Abraham’s faith but also provided a substitute sacrifice. He heard the prayers for Isaac’s wife & answered. He protected Jacob from Esau & later reconciled them. He’s the gracious God that comforted & gave him a new name. He is the God that revealed His plan to Joseph & Faithfully carried it out for their salvation. He strengthened him, granted him grace with all, & enabled him along the way. He healed, reconciled, & reunited his family. He providentially worked what was first evil, for their good.

Now, do you see?

He is the… Creator, Destroyer, Author, King, Ruler, Deliverer, Savior, Redeemer, Judge, Protector, Provider, Promise-keeper, Multiplier, Revealer, Healer, Comforter, Reconciler, Planner, & Caregiver.

He is…Forgiving, Purposeful, Strengthening, Enabling, Active, Seeing, Hearing, Knowing, Faithful, Just, Gracious, Merciful, Patient, Loving, Compassionate, Enduring, Powerful, Sovereign, Mighty, Friend. And more & more & more, right?

Now, could God really tell all His names? No, He is ALL! He is HOLY – Set apart – Distinct from all other gods & all people.

Because of Who He Is, What He Does, All that He Encompasses, & the Fact that He is Holy, He is worthy of our PRAISE. Praise God today for all that He is!

Excerpt from Episode 48 “Who is God? What is His Name?” on YouTube & Podcast

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Courtney Gilmore

I am a wife and a mom - a Christian teacher and a writer. I love the Bible and I want you to love it too! I have made it my full-time job to study and teach it in a way that is interesting, relatable, relevant, thought-provoking, and applicable.