
Reading Scripture from the Old & New Testament and learning how to apply it to our lives. We touch on every topic as we study the each passage.

Topics discussed: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Satan, Forgiveness, Relationships, Marriage, Family, Parenting, Faith, Hope, Love, Joy, Patience, Anger, Heaven, Fear, Worry, Trust, Jealousy, Deceit, Lying, Obedience, Humility, Pride, Sacrifice, Provision, Wisdom, Leadership, Prayer, Holiness, Righteousness, Responsibility, Peace, Redemption, Grace, Mercy, etc.

Learning about: Creation, the Fall, Sin, Noah and the Ark, The World-Wide Flood, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Esau, and Moses. Walk with the Israelites through the Exodus, building of the Tabernacle, receiving the laws, and into the Promised Land.