woman carrying baby at beach during sunset

God created Adam & Eve, but does He really individually create each of us? Is He involved in every detail of our being or does He just set things in motion & let nature take over? God told Moses that He created our mouths, eyes, & ears & that He makes them seeing or blind, hearing, deaf, or mute. So did He also create our brain, personality, strengths & weaknesses? Are we each made with purpose & intention or is everything just by chance? Does He choose our call according only to our strengths? What can He do with our weaknesses?  

The short answer is Yes. He is Author & Creator of all. Our God is involved with His creation. He makes every part of us to be exactly as we are for His purpose. There is no chance or accident in His creation. He also creates each of us differently so that we can make one wonderful body of believers for His kingdom. So, some people’s eyes may be very observant. Others may see better with their hearts. They are perceptive. Some are book smart. Others can learn anything once you demonstrate it to them. Some are fast. Some have endurance. Some are strong in body. Others are strong in spirit. Some lead with boldness & others prefer to follow. But they follow the Lord so well that everyone around them learns to imitate Him.

Not only did He create us exactly as He wants us to be, but He knows us intimately. He knows our strengths, our weaknesses, our personality, & desires. He may call us to a certain thing because our strengths make us the perfect person for the job. But He also may call us because of our weakness. You see, sometimes God does not want the perfect one for the job. He wants the one that says, “Lord, this is not my thing. I am not good at this. I am going to need your help.” He wants our dependence, trust, & faith in Him. He desires the relationship & glory that brings to Him.

If the Lord is calling you to something today, know that He has a reason that He is calling you specifically. He has a purpose for calling you at this time, in this way, for this specific thing. He may have very well created you for this exact purpose as He told Esther & Jeremiah. He will equip you as He did Paul. He does not ask His children to do something for Him, only for them to fail or embarrass themselves. Do not be afraid of your weaknesses. God may have chosen you specifically for those weaknesses. So be like Paul & boast all the more in them because when you are weak, then you are strong.

Rest assured that He knows the ones He calls & He knows why He calls them. Do not fear. Those He calls, He also equips. He has the power to carry out His plans at the perfect time, in the perfect way, using His perfectly created people. Be a willing servant & follower. You can trust Him with your life!

Excerpt from Episode 49, “Who God Created You To Be” on Podcast & YouTube, about God calling Moses to deliver His people.

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Courtney Gilmore

I am a wife and a mom - a Christian teacher and a writer. I love the Bible and I want you to love it too! I have made it my full-time job to study and teach it in a way that is interesting, relatable, relevant, thought-provoking, and applicable.