Why should we go to church? Can’t we worship and learn on our own?
We can watch church at home now. So why attend just one if we can watch any church anytime?
Will God, our Father, Ever Forsake His People?
If we turn away from God, will He turn away from us? Will He take us back after all our sin? How do we approach Him after all we have done? How will He react?
God Wants Me to Be Happy, Right?
Being happy is very important to most of us. But how important is it to God? Is that His top concern for our lives? Where does true happiness come from?
Is it Sinful to Work on Sunday?
Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. This is one of the Ten Commandments. So is it wrong to work on Sunday or have we been set free from this law?
Love and Faithfulness to the Lord
We all know what it feels like to love and be loved. We may also know what it feels like to love and not feel loved in return. Does God feel this with us?
Knowing God More
While we are living on this earth, we will not ever fully see God. But He will show us the parts that we need to see when we need to see them.
Who Do You Worship?
Make us gods that shall go before us. As for Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him… So, Aaron received the gold from their hand & he fashioned it with an engraving tool & made a molded calf. Then they …