Showing: 21 - 28 of 28 RESULTS

Filled with Glory

sunlight with white clouds

When He tells us to move, we need to move. When He tells us to be still, then we need to be still. The pattern of His movement in our own lives may also be unpredictable. We too need to trust Him & know that if He hasn’t moved yet, it is because He wants us where we are. Also, if He moves too quickly or takes us somewhere that we do not want to go, He is Lord. Whether we know it or not, we want to be wherever He takes us because that is where His Presence dwells. Being in His will is the most comforting & safe place to be.

God, Intervene!

Have you ever had a time in your life when you were practically begging God to intervene?  I have!  I have prayed fervently, “Lord, please do something!  I know that You are able! Send someone to help, work in the circumstances of this day, send me a reversal!” Let me …