We’re all devoted to God for destruction unless He saves us and devotes us to Himself as holy. Change the course of your life. Make Him your Lord and Savior
Shouldn’t My Life Be Easier Now that I’m a Christian?
God doesn’t promise blessings and goodness alone. Sometimes He asks us to do hard things. But He does promise to be with us, and with Him, we can do all things.
Don’t Rob God: He’s Given You Everything You Have
If everything we have is His, then how can we withhold anything from Him? Should we not give back a portion of what He’s so freely given to us?
Is it Sinful to Work on Sunday?
Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. This is one of the Ten Commandments. So is it wrong to work on Sunday or have we been set free from this law?
In Jesus Name I Pray: Name it, Claim it
“Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do.” Does this mean we’ll get anything we ask for as long as we say, “in Jesus name, amen” or “in the name of Jesus”?
New Year’s Resolution: Know and Follow God Better
Do you tend to be a rule follower or a rule breaker? Do rules give you structure or feel restrictive? Or are you a virtue signaler doing good for appearances.
Don’t Get Your Hopes Up – Unless Your Hope is in the Lord
Have all your dreams come true or do you even dare to dream anymore? Have you lost hope? Does it just hurt too much? What if I told you there was another way?
How long God? This is Too Much!
“God why are you treating me this way?! Don’t you love me? I have done everything you asked. Why have you put such a burden on me? I was perfectly happy before You called me to this. I never wanted to lead these people. They are not my children, yet …
Reflect God’s Character
As His representatives, we need to reveal His character to the world. “Be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.”
What Are You Willing to Sacrifice?
always give our best to God. We shouldn’t offer Him only the things we don’t want to control or possess ourselves. We shouldn’t offer what is useless to us or what is left over. God is worthy of the most valuable & useful things in our lives. He deserves priority over everything. We are insufficient to control anything in our lives. He alone is powerful & trustworthy. We have no right to hold on to our possessions, because everything we have was given to us by Him in the first place & everything belongs to Him anyway.