Showing: 11 - 20 of 22 RESULTS
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Belonging to God

We love our children just because they are ours & the Israelites were blessed just because they were His. Our children don’t earn our love by doing good things & they can’t lose our love by doing something wrong. The Israelites also could not earn or lose God’s love & neither can we. Once we become His child, we belong to Him forever.

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Redemption can be thought of like a coupon. Someone else already paid for the item & gave us the coupon. Then we give that coupon to the store in exchange for the item. Jesus paid the price for our sins & gave a coupon to every person on earth. But to receive the salvation He purchased for us we have to offer God His blood on behalf of our specific sins. Jesus buys us back even if we are completely used up, damaged, destroyed, & broken. Then He makes us whole, complete, & righteous before He gives us back to God. Wouldn’t it be a shame not to exchange that coupon?

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Enter With A Sacrifice

So, examine your life. Repent of your sins & approach the Lord with a heart sprinkled by the blood of Jesus. Offer Him to the Lord & ask that He accept the Sacrifice on behalf of your sins. Then let God write His law on your heart & mind, that you may follow Jesus, now on earth & eternally into the throne room in Heaven.

man in black jacket and blue pants sitting on brown wooden seat

What Are You Willing to Sacrifice?

always give our best to God. We shouldn’t offer Him only the things we don’t want to control or possess ourselves. We shouldn’t offer what is useless to us or what is left over. God is worthy of the most valuable & useful things in our lives. He deserves priority over everything. We are insufficient to control anything in our lives. He alone is powerful & trustworthy. We have no right to hold on to our possessions, because everything we have was given to us by Him in the first place & everything belongs to Him anyway.

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Jesus – Messiah & Sacrifice

Jesus is the High Priest because He intercedes on our behalf & offered Himself up for us .Because He was the perfect sacrifice, there was no need for any more sacrifices. Because He lives forever, there was no need for another high priest to replace Him. So, He is the forever King & High Priest. He also was the Perfect Sacrifice, that put an end to all insufficient animal sacrifices. That is why He could say on the cross, “It is finished.” He finished what the priests started & accomplished completely what they could only accomplish temporarily.