There is no reason to feel helpless or hopeless, when you have access to the King of Heaven and Earth. Take your problems to Him and leave them at His feet.
Why Does God Hold Out on Us?
I do not know why God doesn’t prevent or fix our need and pain. But it’s not because He doesn’t love us, or have enough knowledge or power, or He isn’t good.
Let God Be Your Refuge: There’s No One Like Him
We often turn to friends or family when we need help, protection, comfort, or advise. But God is the best one to run to because He has power like no one else.
Do You Really Believe in the Power of God?
God created everything out of His power. But He never stopped demonstrating His power for and through us. He is able to do more than we can ask or think to ask.
Is God’s Reputation Important to You?
How important is God’s reputation to you? Have you ever even thought about it? When you pray, do you seek answers that will glorify the Lord or yourself? What about your conduct? Do your actions help or hurt God’s reputation? When the people refused to enter the land God had …
Don’t Get Your Hopes Up – Unless Your Hope is in the Lord
Have all your dreams come true or do you even dare to dream anymore? Have you lost hope? Does it just hurt too much? What if I told you there was another way?