We often turn to friends or family when we need help, protection, comfort, or advise. But God is the best one to run to because He has power like no one else.
God Wants Me to Be Happy, Right?
Being happy is very important to most of us. But how important is it to God? Is that His top concern for our lives? Where does true happiness come from?
Don’t Rob God: He’s Given You Everything You Have
If everything we have is His, then how can we withhold anything from Him? Should we not give back a portion of what He’s so freely given to us?
Is it Sinful to Work on Sunday?
Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. This is one of the Ten Commandments. So is it wrong to work on Sunday or have we been set free from this law?
Don’t Get Your Hopes Up – Unless Your Hope is in the Lord
Have all your dreams come true or do you even dare to dream anymore? Have you lost hope? Does it just hurt too much? What if I told you there was another way?
Unlimited Generosity
Have you ever noticed that sometimes more is given when there is no set amount required? Maybe it is because we just naturally seem to give begrudgingly when it is required of us. Or maybe it is because we are placing a limit on generosity. For whatever reason, people sometimes …
Who Do You Serve?
We all must choose whether to serve God or a different master. We’re all a slave to someone or something. We can only serve one because all other masters are in opposition to God. No matter which one we choose, there will always be distractions & others competing for our …