When we rely on the Spirit, He will change us from the inside out. It may be instantaneous, a process, but He will work in our hearts to make us more like Jesus
I’m Not Sure That’s Biblical: How to Handle it
If you are a person in a position of authority, you think your church is going in the wrong direction, or God is being falsely represented, you must speak up.
How to Honor Our Parents as Adults: Continuing in Their Ways
As children, we should obey our parents in everything. But what does the obedience of an adult child look like? How do we honor our parents throughout our lives
Who is God? What’s His Name?
What if they ask me, “What is His name?” says Moses. God: “I AM WHO I AM! Say I AM has sent me to you. The God of your fathers Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob. This is My name forever & memorial to all generations.” “I am”? I am what? I …