Do your good works point people to God or yourself? Do you help others so everyone will see how good you are, how good God is? Is the spotlight on you or Him?
The Best Place to Be Is Where God Is
The best place to be, is wherever God wants you! No matter how scary the place seems that He’s taking you, it will never be as bad as the place where He is not
Feelings or Faith: It’s Your Choice
We all have fear, doubt, and worry. The question isn’t whether we always have courage, confidence and peace. The question is: Do we act on feelings or faith?
Don’t Get Your Hopes Up – Unless Your Hope is in the Lord
Have all your dreams come true or do you even dare to dream anymore? Have you lost hope? Does it just hurt too much? What if I told you there was another way?
How Far Is God’s Reach? Is He Limited?
Can God reach into our world and act on our behalf? Is His power only manifested in heaven or does He exercise it here? How involved is He? Can He truly help us
How long God? This is Too Much!
“God why are you treating me this way?! Don’t you love me? I have done everything you asked. Why have you put such a burden on me? I was perfectly happy before You called me to this. I never wanted to lead these people. They are not my children, yet …
Christianity: Boring, Limited, and Restricting?
Is Christianity boring, limited, and restrictive? Does the world offer something better? What about its costs? God gives gifts that surpass those of the world.
Set Apart for God
We too can set ourselves apart to the Lord. This can be done in the form of full or part time ministry or just for a period of time to get right with God or to seek Him in a special time of need.
Enter With A Sacrifice
So, examine your life. Repent of your sins & approach the Lord with a heart sprinkled by the blood of Jesus. Offer Him to the Lord & ask that He accept the Sacrifice on behalf of your sins. Then let God write His law on your heart & mind, that you may follow Jesus, now on earth & eternally into the throne room in Heaven.
Jesus – Messiah & Sacrifice
Jesus is the High Priest because He intercedes on our behalf & offered Himself up for us .Because He was the perfect sacrifice, there was no need for any more sacrifices. Because He lives forever, there was no need for another high priest to replace Him. So, He is the forever King & High Priest. He also was the Perfect Sacrifice, that put an end to all insufficient animal sacrifices. That is why He could say on the cross, “It is finished.” He finished what the priests started & accomplished completely what they could only accomplish temporarily.