We often turn to friends or family when we need help, protection, comfort, or advise. But God is the best one to run to because He has power like no one else.
Your Sins Are Forgiven; Your Faith Has Saved You
God wants everyone to know and follow Him. Some recognize Him for who He is, and resist Him. But those who believe and put their faith in Him, will be saved.
Stop Feeling Guilty: Jesus Died to Set You Free
Why are you still paying for your sins when Jesus already paid for you? His sacrifice is pointless towards you if you don’t accept it and apply it to your life
Grace: A Gift We Do Not Deserve
Don’t set aside God’s grace because you feel like you don’t deserve it. You don’t, but no one else does either. That’s the whole point! He died to set you free.
Set Apart for God
We too can set ourselves apart to the Lord. This can be done in the form of full or part time ministry or just for a period of time to get right with God or to seek Him in a special time of need.
Enter With A Sacrifice
So, examine your life. Repent of your sins & approach the Lord with a heart sprinkled by the blood of Jesus. Offer Him to the Lord & ask that He accept the Sacrifice on behalf of your sins. Then let God write His law on your heart & mind, that you may follow Jesus, now on earth & eternally into the throne room in Heaven.
Who’s in Charge?
“He died for all, that those who live, should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.” 2 Corinthians 5:15 We may say that Jesus is our Lord & Savior, but do we mean it? We are thankful He is our Savior. We …