Because people are flawed, sometimes it is hard for us to put our faith in them. But because God is perfect and He loves us, we can trust Him with our lives.
Our Response to Jesus’s Sacrifice? Obey, Love, and Serve Him
Does God say, “I love you. You’re Mine. Now go on about your life and I’ll protect and bless you.” No. He requires something in return for His love & salvation.
New Year’s Resolution: Know and Follow God Better
Do you tend to be a rule follower or a rule breaker? Do rules give you structure or feel restrictive? Or are you a virtue signaler doing good for appearances.
The Best Place to Be Is Where God Is
The best place to be, is wherever God wants you! No matter how scary the place seems that He’s taking you, it will never be as bad as the place where He is not
Filled with Glory
When He tells us to move, we need to move. When He tells us to be still, then we need to be still. The pattern of His movement in our own lives may also be unpredictable. We too need to trust Him & know that if He hasn’t moved yet, it is because He wants us where we are. Also, if He moves too quickly or takes us somewhere that we do not want to go, He is Lord. Whether we know it or not, we want to be wherever He takes us because that is where His Presence dwells. Being in His will is the most comforting & safe place to be.
God Leads His People
When God led the people out of Egypt He made Himself visible in a cloud. Then when Jesus came, He was a visible leader to the people. It is tempting to want His visible leadership today. It seems like it would be so much easier if we knew He was …
I’ll Do It My Way
Have you ever tried to fulfill God’s commands in your own way? Do you rationalize just so you can make it alright? You might say things like: “Does God really care about all the details in between as long as the job gets done? Maybe I can do it this …
My Father
“My dad is better than your dad.” Do you ever hear children comparing their fathers, making sure that everyone else knows just how truly impressive their dad really is? Dad’s are strong and able. They can fix anything and know how to do everything. They make us feel safe and loved. When you …