Are you a good friend to God? Good friends don’t just call when they need you. They enjoy hanging out. They know and care about you, not just themselves
Trading the Truth for a Lie
Is there any such thing as a necessary or noble lie? Is “my truth” the same as “The Truth”? Is it loving to confirm a lie out of kindness and compassion?
Eye for Eye Or Turn the Other Cheek? New Testament or Old?
The Books of the Law say, “Do not murder and an eye for an eye.” Jesus says, ” Turn the other cheek.” Did Jesus change the laws? Do we choose justice or mercy?
Playing with My Emotions
Have you ever felt like you are on a roller coaster & all you want to do is get off? The ups and downs are making you sick; The climb to the top takes too long & seems too short lived to make the ride worth it; You can’t enjoy …
Who is God? What’s His Name?
What if they ask me, “What is His name?” says Moses. God: “I AM WHO I AM! Say I AM has sent me to you. The God of your fathers Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob. This is My name forever & memorial to all generations.” “I am”? I am what? I …