woman in orange coat with black and brown scarf

Whatever you ask in My name, that I (Jesus) will do.

John 14:13a

Does this verse mean that we will get anything we pray for as long as we say, “in Jesus name, Amen” or “in the name of Jesus” fill in the blank? Let’s look at the second part of that verse.

that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

John 14:13b

Jesus says that we will get anything we ask in His name… that brings glory to the Father.

You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.

James 4:3

This verse clearly states that we don’t receive everything we ask for. God takes pleasure in giving to His children and I believe He gives just to please us sometimes, but the primary purpose is not for us. His answers to our prayers, first and foremost, are for Him and His kingdom.

Even Jesus did not expect God to give anything to Him if it went against His will. When He knew the time had come for Him to die, He asked God for another way.

Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me. Nevertheless, not My will, but Yours be done.

Luke 22:42

So, if Jesus prayed according to God’s will and expected nothing contrary to it, then we should pray in the same way. There will be times when we have not asked wrongly or selfishly, but we still hear, “no” or “not yet” because our Heavenly Father is infinitely wise and He knows best. Our earthly fathers tell us no sometimes because they know better, and we still love and trust them. In the same way, we should love and our Heavenly Father, praying according to His will.

Endorsed By Jesus

So, what does it mean then, to ask in Jesus name? It means that we believe if our prayer was a written request to God, Jesus would sign His name to it. The question to ask ourselves is, “Would Jesus endorse this prayer?”

If you wanted something from a king and you happen to know his son, then you might throw His name around some, right? Why? Because you know the name of the king’s son carries weight.

Jesus is the Son of the King of kings and the Lord of lords. His name carries so much weight that the gates of heaven open at the mention of His name.

There is salvation in no one else. For there is no other name under heaven, given among men, by which we must be saved.

Acts 4:12

So, if we know Jesus, then He says we can use His name to make requests of the King. But this is a serious thing, right? Would you mention the son’s name to the king knowing that he would be completely opposed to what you were asking. No! You would be much too afraid to act as if the king’s son had given his blessing to something that he hadn’t. So, why would it be different with Jesus.

We know that if the Father received a request fully endorsed by Jesus, then it would automatically be granted. So, if we use His name to get what we want, we need to believe that Jesus would give His permission. If we know good & well that He wouldn’t, then we’re misusing His name, taking it in vain.

A Friend of the Son

What if you knew of the king’s son, but you weren’t actually friends? Would you say you’re friends with his son and ask him for something, assuming he would give it to you? No, because you’d be afraid that when the son heard, he would say he barely knew you.

Would you ask of the king and say you were friends with his son, if the truth was that you hadn’t been friends for years? No, because you’d be afraid the son would come back and say, “Why would you give anything to her? I haven’t heard from her in years.”

What if you didn’t really like the son all that much? Would you treat him badly and then still go to the king and ask for something in his name? No! You wouldn’t throw the son’s name around if you knew he could come back and tell his father you’d lied about your friendship.

In the same way, we should not throw the name of Jesus around flippantly or only for our own purposes. We never want the Son to be able to say to the Father…

“Are you kidding. I never would have said yes to that!”

“I know who she is, but she is not my friend.”

“Why would you give her anything because of Me? I haven’t heard from her in years.

“He’s no friend of mine! He doesn’t deserve anything good from Me.”

Things to Consider

Are you close enough to the Son of God to be using His name?

Would He endorse your prayers?

Will it get YOU into heaven?

Are you asking for what you want or are you willing to yield to the Father’s will?

Can you accept that your Heavenly Father knows best? Maybe you need to be willing to adapt your will to His, so that Jesus can endorse your prayers.

Pray in the name of the Son, according to the will of the Father. He loves you and He is able.

Excerpt from Episode 103 “Name Above All Names” on Podcast and YouTube

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1 Comment

  1. I agree. Well stated. The things to consider really give you something to think about.

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Courtney Gilmore

I am a wife and a mom - a Christian teacher and a writer. I love the Bible and I want you to love it too! I have made it my full-time job to study and teach it in a way that is interesting, relatable, relevant, thought-provoking, and applicable.